B. Ed. 3rd Counselling Schedule 2010 - Panjab University, Chandigarh

19 September 2010

Panjab University, Chandigarh

B. Ed. 3rd Counselling Schedule 2010

Panjab University has announced the schedule of 3rd counselling for admission to the vacant seats of stated subject combinations in B.Ed. Regular for UT Colleges (UT Pool and General Pool), including B.Ed. Yoga. It will be held on 21st September, 2010 at the Law Auditorium, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Candidates seeking admission under reserved category must bring relevant document.

Admissions for B.Ed. Yoga will take place simultaneously with B.Ed. Regular.

Students seeking admission must bring original certificates and be physically present at the time of counselling. No admission will be done otherwise.

For full details, please see the link below:


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