B.Tech.(DT), Master and Ph.D. Programme in Dairying from NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE

22 March 2009

Deemed University
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
KARNAL- 132001 (Haryana)

Admission Notice 2009-10

National Dairy Research Institute is a leader in Research & Education in the field of Dairy Science.B.Tech.(DT), Master and Ph.D. Programme in Dairying

Ph.D. (Dairying)
Disciplines: Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry, Dairy Technology, Dairy Engineering, Animal Biochemistry, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Genetics & Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Livestock Producation & Management, Dairy Economics, and Dairy Extension Education.
Eligibility: Master's degree in relevant area with 60% marks

Ph.D. and Master's Degree in Dairying
Disciplines: Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry, Dairy Technology, Dairy Engineering, Animal Biochemistry, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Genetics & Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Livestock Production & Management, Dairy Economics, and Dairy Extension Education.
Eligibility: Master's degree in relevant area with 60% marks

Last date for submission of application forms: 18th May, 2009

For more details please visit website: http://www.ndri.res.in


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