XXX Post Graduate Diploma Course in Wildlife Management from WILDLIFE INSTITUTE OF INDIA, Dehradun

11 June 2008

XXX Post Graduate Diploma Course in Wildlife Management

The Institute was set up in 1982 as a nodal national agency to meet the urgent capacity building needs for scientific planning, management and research in the field of wildlife conservation.

The conservation of biological diversity through the establishment and management of national parks and sanctuaries is now globally recognized. Conservation today is not only important in such Protected Areas (PAs) but also significant in adjoining managed forests and habitations. Forestry certainly is an appropriate professional background for managing national parks and sanctuaries yet this background alone is not sufficient. Management of PAs requires personnel with appropriate knowledge and skills in all aspects of wildlife and PA management. Hence, Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Wildlife Management was started in the year 1977 and 29 such courses have so far been completed.

Provide a foundation of modern concepts in wildlife science.
Provide an understanding of the relevant global, regional, national and state level conservation policies, treaties, conventions and legislation and their enforcement.
Provide knowledge and first-hand experience of conservation issues and practices under varied ecological, socio-economic, political and administrative situations in the field including the vulnerability of species of wild plants and animals and their protection.
Provide hands-on experience in using modern scientific methods, techniques and tools that are essential contributors to conservation practices in the field. Transfer skills of writing scientific documents and making persuasive presentations.
Develop skills for preparation of an integrated scientific wildlife management plan.
Prepare the participant for meeting conservation challenges in the field.

The course is meant for in-service Indian Forest Service and State Forest Service Officers of the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF)/Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF) and equivalent. Candidates should possess a background of Forestry training with a minimum of Bachelor’s degree in any of the natural sciences.

Foreign nationals with forestry background at equivalent levels are also eligible for admission to the course, provided they have adequate knowledge of English.

Both Indian & Foreign candidates should preferably be below 40 years of age and not more than 45 years on September 1, 2008. They should be fit to withstand the arduous outdoor training programme.

Admission to the course for candidates will be on a “first-come-first serve” basis.

The nomination process starts with the Institute inviting nominations, from the State Forest Deptts/Foreign Govts/Agencies, of eligible candidates. The curriculum-vitae alongwith passport details of both Indian and foreign nationals are required to be filled in the prescribed form attached herewith and sent to Institute with the endorsement of the Sponsoring Agency alongwith the fee, where applicable.

For the SAARC Wildlife Management Fellowship, the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India as well as this Institute sends request to the counterpart Ministries/Departments in SAARC countries for sponsoring candidates for the course.

The Institute also accepts nominations from abroad as well as under the ITEC/SCAAP scheme of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India and under Capacity Building Programmes from Global Tiger Forum (GTF), New Delhi.

The duration of the course is nine months covering one academic session from 1st September 2008 to 31st May 2009.

Participation in all components of the course, tours, excursions, lectures, practicals, examinations, group discussions and symposia etc is compulsory. In addition, trainees are required to successfully complete the management plan and term paper exercises for award of Diploma. In the event of non-participation in any of the above-mentioned activities, award of Diploma to the concerned candidate will be withheld till the completion of the assignment in the subsequent Diploma Course.

The broad outline of the course structure includes the following modules:
(i) Introductory Module
(ii) Wildlife Biology
(iii) Wildlife Behaviour
(iv) Application of Computers in Wildlife Science and Management
(v) Habitat Ecology
(vi) Applied Population Ecology & Conservation Biology
(vii) Wildlife Health Management
(viii) Restraint and Immobilization of Wild Animals
(ix) Captive Management & Wildlife Utilization
(x) Environment and Social Impact Assessment
(xi) Policies & Laws in Wildlife Management
(xii) Principles and Practices of Wildlife & Protected Area Management
(xiii) Visitor Use Management and Interpretive Planning in Protected Areas
(xiv) Management of Wetland and Coastal Habitats
(xv) Eco-development Planning for Biodiversity Conservation
(xvi) Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies in Wildlife Management
(xvii) Wildlife Management Planning

(I) Orientation Tour
(ii) High Altitude Techniques Tour
(iii) Techniques Tour
(iv) Management Tour
(v) Management Term Paper Exercise
(vi) Management Plan Exercise

In addition, field visits to nearby Protected Areas/Institutions/Organizations/Zoos are also organized from time to time during the period of training.

In this course, a study tour to any one SAARC country will be organized by WII as part of the Management Tour. The candidates joining the course both Indian and foreign nationals must be in possession of their valid passports.

Indian candidates:
*Indian candidates

All expenses for candidates nominated by the State Forest Departments will be borne by the Institute. The expenses include –
(i) Total training cost
(ii) To & fro travel fare (while joining and returning) as per WII TA Rules within pay scale of Rs. 4350/- to Rs. 8449/- (AC Chair Car/Highest Class in Bus) and Rs.8550 to 16400/- (First Class/AC Second/Highest Class in Bus)
(iii) Training allowance @ Rs. 1800/ p.m. for nine months
(iv) DA on tours (as applicable)
(v) Board and lodging while on field tours as per rules of the Institute.

*Foreign nationals including GTF and ITEC candidates:US $11,275 / Rs.4,83,650/-

The training allowance and to & fro travel expenses and medical/accidental insurance would be governed as per the Sponsoring Agency’s fellowship. Board & lodging and per diem while on field tours is included in the training cost.

*SAARC fellow : Rs.5,67,150/-

This includes training allowance, to & fro travel expenses (as per WII TA Rules), per diem on tours, and medical/accidental insurance. Board and lodging while on field tours is included in the training cost.

Traveling and camping, field gear/equipment, stationery, books/study material and hostel accommodation would be provided to all participants.

A bank draft of the above amount should be sent in the favour of the Director, Wildlife Institute of India payable at Dehra Dun at the time of admission of foreign candidates to the course.

The nominations of the foreign and Indian candidates duly completed in all respects should reach this Institute latest by 15th July, 2008 and 25th July 2008 respectively.

For more details please contact :
Course Director
XXX P.G. Diploma Course
Wildlife Institute of India
P.O. Box # 18, Chandrabani
Dehradun – 248 001, Uttarakhand, INDIA
Phone : +91-135-2640111 to 115; Fax :+ 91-135 – 2640117
E-mail :,


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