5- year Integrated M.Sc course in Molecular Biology and M.Phil in Botany year 2008-09 Admission from UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE, YUVARAJA'S COLLEGE

07 June 2008



Applications are invited from eligible candidates to the (5- year) Integrated M.Sc course in Molecular Biology under fully self-finance scheme at Yuvaraja’s College, Mysore-570005, Karanataka, India.

Students from all over India, who have completed the Pre-University course equivalent course in the Science stream with at least 50% marks in aggregate (excluding languages) and at least 50% marks in Biology (relaxable by 5% for SC/ST candidates) are eligible to apply.

The compulsory entrance test of All India level will be held at Yuvaraja’s College on 07-07-2008 between 11-30 AM and 1-30 PM. The selection is purely on the basis of performance in the entrance test.

Admission procedure:
The application form may be obtained from 02-06-2008 in person from the Principal on payment of Rs.120/-. They can also be obtained through post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs 120/- plus Rs.80/- towards postal charges. They can also download the application forms from the web www.yuvarajacollege.org and www.ycm.uni-mysore.ac.in and submit the same along with a Demand Draft for Rs.120/- Another demand Draft for Rs 300/- for the entrance examination favouring the Principal, Yuvaraja’s College, payable at SBM, Mysore will have to be enclosed with the application form.

1. The filled-in application together with the Demand Draft along with necessary certificates and copies of marks cards should be submitted to the Principal, Yuvaraja’s College, Mysore-57005 on or before 05-07-2008(latest by 5 pm)

2. Fee structure: Rs 40,000/- per year (or Rs.20,000/- per semester).

No postal intimation will be sent. The list of the selected candidates in the waiting list will be displayed on the notice board.


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