Ayurveda Vachaspati [MD(Ay)]/ Ayurveda Dhanwantari [MS(Ay)] Admission 2010 - Banaras Hindu University

15 April 2010

Banaras Hindu University
Institute of Medical Sciences

Admission notice for

Ayurveda Vachaspati [MD(Ay)]/Ayurveda Dhanwantari [MS(Ay)] Course-2010

The Banaras Hindu University will hold an all India written entrance test for admission to Ayurveda Vachaspati [MD(Ay)]/Ayurveda Dhanwantari [MS(Ay)] course [in the subjects - Ayurveda Samhita, Ayurveda Siddhanta, Dravyaguna Vigyana, Kayachikitsa, Kriya Sharira, Kaumarbhritya-Balaroga, Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga, Rachana Sharira, Rasa Shastra, Roga Nidana evam Vikriti Vigyana, Sangyaharan, Shalya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra-Netra Roga, and Swasthavritta] on Sunday, the 27th June, 2010 on its Campus Banaras Hindu University.
ELIGIBILITY: Qualification (a) BAMS recognized by CCIM. (b) MBBS recognized by MCI (for supernumerary category only). (c) The candidate must have completed 12 months rotating internship (4 ½ years BAMS course) / 6 months rotating internship (5 years BAMS course) by 31.07.2010. AGE- The Upper age limit for admission will be 35 years for General and OBC Category and 40 years for SC/ST on 31.07.2010. There is no age limit for Sponsored Category.

The application form along with information brochure can either be downloaded from website (www.bhu.ac.in & www.imsbhu.nic.in). or can be obtained from the office of the Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi-221005 on or before 03.04.10 by sending a written request through Registered Post along with a demand draft (MICR) of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of the Director, IMS, BHU, payable at Varanasi along with two self addressed white paper slips of 10 cm x 6 cm size, from 16.02.2010 to 16.04.2010. On the envelop please write "Application for MD(Ay)/MS(Ay) Entrance Test - 2010, BHU". The request for application form by post must reach on or before 03.04.2010.

The last date for submission of completed application form accompanied by DD/Banker's Cheque (MICR) of Rs. 1200/- (Rs 900 /- for SC and ST) is 20.04.2010 upto 5.00 PM. The Institute will not be responsible for loss of application form in transit.

For more details, please visit: http://www.imsbhu.nic.in/notification/mdms10.htm


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