(Faculty of Management Studies)
Admissions (2008-09)
- MTech (Future Studies & Planning/System Management)
- M.Sc. (Science Communication)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication
- MBA (Business Forecasting)
Entrance test/interview/counselling will be held (at SFSP-Indore) for admission on the dates mentioned below. No separate letter will be issued. visit website: www.sfsp.dauniv.ac.in for other details. Revised/second dates related with admission are as follows:
Eligibility & Procedure
Application are invited on prescribed form available from the office of School of Future Studies and Planning on paying a demand draft in person of Rs. 300/- per course (Rs. 350 through Post) in favour of "Registrar, DAVV" payable at Indore for admission in the following courses:
M.Tech. (Future Studies and Planning) / M.Tech. (Systems Management):
Eligibility: B.E. / B.Tech. in any discipline OR M.Sc. ( Physics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science) OR equivalent degree with at least 55% marks in aggregate with valid GATE score. Non-GATE qualified candidates may also considered if GATE qualified are not available. Relaxation of 5% marks in eligibility for sponsored / SC/ ST candidates.
Duration: 2 Years Seats: 18 (in each M.Tech.)
MBA (Business Forecasting):
Eligibility: At least 50% marks in Bechlor's degree in any discipline with mathematics at 10+2. Relaxation / Reservation as per university rules.
Duration: 2 Years Seats: 60 Self-Finance Course
Date and venue for Written Test: 30/07/2008 10.00 a.m. Councelling: 31/07/2008 10.00a.m. School of Future Studies and Planning, Indore
Application should reach to Head, School of Future Studies and Planning, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Khandwa Road, Indore latest by July 29, 2008.
Centre for Science Communication
(School of Future Studies and Planning)
M.Sc. (Science Communication):
Eligibility: B.sc / BCA wtih IInd division.
Duration: 2 Years Seats: 20 Scholarships: 10 @ Rs. 700/- p.m. from NCSTC-DST New Delhi.
Date and venue for Written Test and Interview : 31/07/2008 10.00 a.m., Centre for Science Communcation, School of Future Studies and Planning Indore.
Councelling: 31/07/2008 3 pm
Date and venue for Written Test and Interview : 31/07/2008 10.00 a.m., Centre for Science Communcation, School of Future Studies and Planning Indore.
Councelling: 31/07/2008 3 pm
P.G. Diploma in Science Communication (Through Distance Education):
Eligibility: B.sc with IInd division.
Duration: 1 Years Seats: 200
Date and venue for Councelling: 30/07/2008 10.00 a.m., Centre for Science Communication, Indore
Duration: 1 Years Seats: 200
Date and venue for Councelling: 30/07/2008 10.00 a.m., Centre for Science Communication, Indore
Application should reach to Head, Centre for Science Communication, School of Future Studies and Planning, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Khandwa Road, Indore latest by July 29, 2008.
For more detail please visit website: www.dauniv.ac.in