Scholarships for Ph.D studies in India - Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

27 April 2010

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

Scholarships for Ph.D studies in India

The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund (JNMF) has invited applications from Indian Nationals and Nationals of other Asian Countries for the award of Scholarships of two years duration, commencing January 2011, for Ph.D studies in India.

A candidate may apply for scholarship in any one of the following areas of specialization:
(i) Science and Technology as an integral component of economic and social activity, including the Philosophy of Science
(ii) Comparative Studies in Religion and Culture
(iii) International Relations and Constitutional Studies
(iv) Indian History, Civilization and Culture
(v) Interface of Social Change and Economic Development
(vi) Environmental Ecology and Sustainable Development
(vii) Studies in the life and works of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Applicant should hold a first Class (minimum 60% marks) Postgraduate Degree, should not be above 35 years of age, should be a full-time Ph.D. Scholar, already registered/admitted for Ph.D Degree with a University/Institution in India approved by the Government in a subject in one of the areas of specialization listed above.
Those who have applied for registration and have not yet been registered are not eligible to apply.

Duration of the scholarship is two years. The Scholarship carries maintenance allowance including Tuition fee @ Rs.9,000/- per month, annual contingent expenses worth Rs. 12,000/- for study tours within India, books, stationery, thesis costs, etc and Sleeper Class Train fare from the place of residence or study in India for interview with the Selection Board.

Applications can be obtained from the 'Administrative Secretary, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110011, by sending a Postal/Money Order for Rs.100/- in the name of 'Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund', payable at New Delhi.

Completed applications should reach the Fund Office latest by 31st May, 2010.

For more details please see the link:

Common Entrance Test (CUCET), 2010-11 for Admission to Integrated & PG Programmes in Central Universities

Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET), 2010-11 for Admission to Integrated & PG Programmes in Central Universities of Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kashmir, Kerala, Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu ( 2010-2011) Notification dated 25.04.2010

Integrated M.A/ M.Sc. Programmes:

Course: History, Economics, Geography, Psychology, English (with option to exit after 3 years at B.A. (Hons.) level)
University: Central University of Karnataka
Intake: 30 in each subject

Course: Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (with exit option after three of four years)
University: Central University of Tamil Nadu
Intake: 30 in each subject

Course: English, Mathematics, Mass Communication, Business Administration, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Life Sciences Cultural Studies (indigenous culture), Nano Technology, Water Engineering & Management.
University: Central University of Jharkhand
Intake: 40 in each subject

M.A./ M.Sc. Programmes:

M.A. (English):
Central University of Karnataka : 30 Seats
Central University of Kashmir : 30 Seats
Central University of Rajasthan: 20 Seats
Central University of Tamil Nadu: 30 Seats

Central University of Karnataka
Central University of Kashmir
Central University of Rajasthan
Intake: 30 in each university

M.Sc. (Computer Science)
Central University of Bihar
Central University of Rajasthan
Intake: 20 in each university

M.A. (Economics):
Central University of Rajasthan: 20 Seats
Central University of Kerala: 25 Seats

M.Sc. (Geospatial Applications in Regional Development):
Central University of Karnataka: 30 Seats

M.A./ M.Sc., Development Studies: 30 seats
M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Statistics
M.Sc. Biotechnology
M.Sc. Environmental Science
Central University of Bihar
Intake: 20 in each subject

Central University of Karnataka
Intake 30 seats

M.Sc. in Information Technology
University: Central University of Kashmir
Intake: 30 seats

M.A. (Bomparative Literature) : 25 seats
M.Sc. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology): 16 seats
M.Sc. (Animal Science): 16 seats
M.Sc. (Genomic Science): 16 seats
M.Sc. (Physics): 16 seats
University: Central University of Kerala

M.Sc./ M.A Statistics (Actuarial)
M.Sc. Tech (Mathematics) with option to exit with M.Sc. after two years
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
University: Central University of Rajasthan
Intake: 20 in each subject

M.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)
University: Central University of Rajasthan
Intake: 18+5 sponsored

M.A. (Kannada Language and Literature
University: Central University of Karnataka
Intake: 30 seats

M.A. (Tamil)
M.A. (Regional Studies)
P.G. Diploma in Eco Criticism
University: Central University of Tamilnadu
Intake: 30 in each subject

  • Online and Offline applications for Common Entrance Examination will be available on from 10am on May3, 2010. The last date for receipt of online and offline application is May 27, 2010.
  • All admissions will be made based on Common Entrance Examination to be conducted on June 19 and 20, 2010 for UG and PG Programmes respectively.
  • Admission Test Centre: Ajmer, Allahabad, Bangalore, Belgaum, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Dhanbad, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Guwahati, Jaipur, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Jodhpur, Kasargod, Kochi, Kolkata, Madurai, Mumbai, Mysore, Patna, Ranchi, Silchar, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvarur and Udaipur.
  • Certain courses have additional screening process such as interviews/ group discussions etc where applicable. Applicants are required to check the respective university website for this information.
  • Admission to the above programmes is subject ot applicants fulfilling eligibility conditions for various programmes as notified in the respective universities website.
  • Applicants awaiting result in the qualifying examination may also apply. however, their admission will be subject to their getting the eligibility marks in the qualifying examination.; the proof of which shall be submitted before the last date fixed for the completion of the admission formalities by the Universities concerned.

Disclaimer: During Publishing of Admission Notification extra care has been taken but if there is any error found, There is no responsibility of the Site Owner