B.Tech./ M.Tech./ Ph.D. (Food Process Engineering) Admission- IICPT

06 July 2009

Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology
(Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India)
Thanjavur -613005, Tamil Nadu, India

Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology is under the aegis of Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India. The mandates of the institute include R&D in areas related to processing, preservation and value addition of all foods. Applications are invited for admission to the following degree programs offered by the Institute.

  • B.Tech. (Food Process Engineering)
  • M.Tech. (Food Process Engineering)
  • Ph.D. (Food Process Engineering)

Interested candidates can obtain the application form in person from the institute by paying Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- in case of SC/ST candidates) by cash/ demand draft drawn in favour of "The Director, IICPT, Thanjavur" or by sending a requisition letter along with a Demand Draft and an address label written in capital letters to which the application is to be addressed. Also application can be download from www.pprc.gov.in and the filled in application should be sent along with prescribed fees and all the enclosures by Speed/ Registered Post to the Director. For obtaining the application by post add Rs. 50/- extra with application fee.

Last date for submission of filled-in application: 27.07.2009 (5.30 pm)

For more details, please visit website: www.pprc.gov.in

B.Ed Admissions 2009 - Jammu University

University of Jammu

Colleges Development Council

B.Ed Admission Notice for the Session 2009-10 to Non-Govt. B.Ed Colleges

Application on prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the B.Ed regular course

Eligibility: The candidates must have their Bachelor's Degree Examination in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science, Commerce, BCA, BBA (under 10+2+3 or 10+2+2/10+1+3 pattern), Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Music and Fine Arts from the University of Jammu or any other statutory University in India registered with the Association of Indian Universities and have secured atleast 45% of the aggregate marks in the qualifying examination in case of General Category and 40% in case of disadvantaged section like SCs/STs / Other Backward Classes /Actual Line of Control /RBA/Disabled categories (the principle of rounding of 1/2 mark and above in to one whole mark shall also be applicable meaning thereby that a candidate having secured 44.50% in case of general category and 39.50% in case of disadvantaged sections like SCs/STs / Other Backward Classes / Actual Line of Control/RBA/ Disabled categories in the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply) However, one sitting BA Degree (External Examination) conducted by any University in the country is not recognised for the purpose of Admission to B.Ed Course

Procedure of submission of application form: The application forms can be downloaded from the website alongwith annexures. The form (4 pages) to be downloaded on A4 size bond paper / JK/Modi xerox photostat paper and complete in all respects accompanied with a crossed bank draft of any nationalised / scheduled bank for Rs. 700/- (which is non - refundable) drwan in favour of Director, Colleges Development Council, University of Jammu payable at Jammu alongwith attested photocopies of all qualifying certificates/degree must be sent to the Asstt. Registrar, B.Ed Admission Administrative Block, University of Jammu, Jammu by registered post/speed post only so as to reach before the last date (s) specified as under:-

Submission of application form without late fee upto: 31.07.2009

Submission of application form with late fee of Rs. 500/- upto: 15.08.2009

For more details, please visit website: www.jammuuniversity.in

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