Xavier Institute – XIDAS(Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies)Approved by AICTE(Approval Letter dated June 16, 2008 -- F.No.08/01/MP/PGDM/25)4th Mile, Mandla Road, Tilhari, Jabalpur 482 021 (MP), IndiaE.mail: xidasjpgdm@gmail.com
www.xidas.inADMISSION 2008-2010
Areas of Specialization:
Development, HR, Information Systems, Finance and Marketing
PGDM (MANAGEMENT COURSE)A Xavier-Brand Management Institute (Member: CAT, XAT, ATMA), offering MBA from 2000, invites applications for TWO YEAR PG DIPLOMA COURSE IN MANAGEMNET
Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies (XIDAS), Jabalpur, is owned and run by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), an international organization that is globally acclaimed as one of the outstanding educationists. More specifically, Xavier Institute is owned by the Madhya Pradesh Province of the Society of Jesus.
THE PGDM COURSEIndia is a fast-developing country and it is booming time for the one-billion and more population of India. It is now India’s turn. While the other giant economies of the world have gone flat and saturated, the chances for India have become brighter and stronger in the development front. India is the most sought after developing nation of the world. The development prospects are immense provided we have competent and qualified hands. However, the development of a nation has to be brought about in a professional and in the right manner, in order to ensure lasting and healthy development. This is possible only if the leaders and policy-makers at all levels are professionally qualified, have the right understanding of development and ensure that every section of the nation develops simultaneously. In other words, India is urgently in need of sustainable development and not just one-sided, selective or chaotic development.
In order to promote sustainable development, the people need to be escorted by qualified men and women, who are familiar with the newly acquired powers and responsibilities of the people. They also need to be helped to acquire skills to use properly the resources entrusted to them, for the welfare of all.
The PGDM course is meant to train the candidates to become professionals for the development of both the rural areas as well as urban areas, as poverty and under-development is found in both the sectors. Moreover, we are also beginning to witness the effect of over-development in the urban areas, where the cherished values are being thrown out over-night, the youth are being carried away with new fashion, values and style of functioning, families are breaking down, violence is increasing, etc. The specific focus of the course will be sustainable development and it will enable the students to have a critical understanding of the causes of under-development or over-development, the possible ways and means to overcome the existing state of affairs and move forward, the various skills that are required on the part of the victims of under-development or over-development to emancipate themselves from these clutches, the various laws and provisions of the Government to assist these people, etc.
The PGDM students are trained in different fields and they are capable of handling human resource, development projects, development banks, rehabilitation projects, etc. Besides, they are capable of interfacing between industries, power plants and mines and interacting with local inhabitants, displaced from their original villages.
They also learn the art of facilitating industries, marketing federations, forest protection units, etc.
The Academic Programmes
The PGDM is a two-year Post Graduate level diploma programme and major specialized modules are offered in the two years – Development, Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Information Systems. The entire course covers obligatory subjects covering the core subjects of business management and development issues related to both rural as well as urban development and specialized subjects according to one’s choice.
For more detail please visit website: www.xidas.in