ARENA ANIMATIONArena’s Postgraduate Program in Animation (18 months)Career development for experienced animation industry professionals
Indian animation has evolved from tiny workshops executing outsourced projects to full-fledged studios involved in creation of IP. To evolve from a junior/ mid-level profile to that of an Animation Director, industry professionals need a knowledge edge.
This is what Arena's 18-month Postgraduate Program in Animation - tailored to the needs of experienced professionals - delivers.
ENTRANCE CRITERIA:A Graduate degree in any discipline form a recognized university with at least one-year programme in animation from an institute of repute, or minimum one to two years
of professional experience of working inthe animation industry.
The total intake for this programme would be 50 students.
The last date of submission of aplication form is August 16, 2008 followed by the entrnace exam on August 23 and 24, at AICAR, Neral.
The Final list would be announced after a personal interview (with Portfolio showcase) in September.
The Course commences from October 6, 2008.
Program details:
The 18-month residential Program is conducted at a scenic campus in Neral, near Mumbai's Matheran hill station. Modules covered include filmmaking, project management, commercial aspects of animation & research methodology. The Program also includes a 3-month Internship at a recognized animation studio.
Curriculum is developed by Arena Animation in collaboration with University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK.
Certification option
The Program also offers the option of earning the international MA Media (Animation) through a 9-month learning stint at UWE, Bristol, UK.
A. Arena option
Arena's 18-month Postgraduate Program in Animation covers 6 modules in 15 months. There is a 3-month Studio Internship with a reputed animation studio or production house.
Module -- Duration
Introduction to Animation 3 months
Pre-production for Animation 3 months
Compulsory elective:
Option 1: Business of Animation
Option 2: Visual Culture & Communication
Option 3: Research Methods
Duration: 3 months
Project management, Teamwork & other Professional Practices - 1 month [Progression opportunity to UWE, Bristol, UK, to earn the MA Media (Animation)]
Production for Animation 3 months
Post-production for Animation 2 months
Studio internship 3 months
B. UWE Option
On completion of the 'Project Management, Teamwork & other Professional Practices' (Module 4), candidates who have choosen the UWE option progress to study at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK for 9 months. These candidates earn the MA Media (Animation) from UWE, UK.
Module -- Duration
Introduction to Animation 3 months
Pre-production for Animation 3 months
Compulsory elective:
Option 1: Business of Animation
Option 2: Visual Culture & Communication
Option 3: Research Methods
Duration: 3 months
Arena modules at Neral, near Mumbai
Project management, Teamwork & other Professional Practices 1 month
Studio Internship 3-6 months
Production for Animation & Research Methods (February to June) 5 months
Post-production for Animation (October to January) 4 months
MA Media (Animation) at UWE, Bristol, UK
PROGRAM FEATURES- Production workshops by industry experts
- A to Z Project management
- Overview of film-making process
- Access to comprehensive digital library
- Guest lectures and visiting faculty from UWE, Bristol, UK
- Movie pitch presentation to senior industry
- Creative skill-building sessions
Eligibility- Minimum 1-year animation industry experience
- Graduate from a recognized university
Selection based on- Aptitude Test
- Personal Interview & portfolio showcase
Important datesForm submission deadline August 16, 2008
Entrance exam August 23 & 24, 2008 from 11 am to 2 pm, at Neral near Mumbai
Personal interview September 1 to 7, 2008
Final list September 20, 2008
Last date for taking admission September 30, 2008
Course commences October 6, 2008
Deadline for submission of completed Application Forms: August 16, 2008.
Note: Arena Animation will not be responsible for lost/ delayed Application Forms.
For more information, contact:
Puneet Sharma, Admissions Coordinator
Tel: 91 22 28272392 or 9833381038