M.Phil. / Ph.D. Admission 2010- Andhra University

25 April 2010




Applications are invited for admission into M.Phil. / Ph.D. (Full-Time / Part-Time) programmes offered in Andhra University Campus Colleges, P.G.Centers and Research Centers in affiliated colleges.

Candidates are advised to download the application form and Information Brochure from the university website: http://www.andhrauniversity.info/doa from 26-03-2010 onwards. Details regarding the subjects offered, eligibility criteria, entrance test, service criteria (for Part-Time), etc,. are given in Information Brochure

Filled-in applications accompained with a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.500/- each drawn in favour of DIRECTOR, Directorate of Admissions payable at Visakhapatnam on any Nationalized Bank should reach the undersigned on or before 26-04-2010, 5.00 P.M without fine or with a fine of Rs.1000/- on or before 30-04-2010, 5.00. P.M.

For more details, please visit website: www.andhrauniversity.info

Admission to P.G. Programmes for the Session 2010-11- SCHOOL OF PLANNING & ARCHITECTURE

(Deemed to be a University)
4, Block-B, I.P.Estate, New Delhi-2
Tel: 011-23702375/76
Fax: 23702383

Application are invited for admission to P.G. Programmes for the Session 2010-11

Master's Programmes in : (Two Years)
1. Architecture with Specialisations in :
a) Architectural conservation
b) Urban Design

2. Planning with Specializations in :
c) Environmental Planning
d) Housing
e) Regional Planning
f) Transport Planning
g) Urban Planning

3. Landscape Architecture:
4. Building Engineering & Management
5. Industrial Design

1. Architectural Conservation & Urban Design: Bachelor's Degree in Architecture/ Planning from a recognized university or equivalent.

2. Environmental Planning, Regional Planning & Urban Planning: Bachelor's Degree in Planning/ Architecture/ Civil Engineering/ Architectural Engineering/ M.A. Geography/ Economics/ Sociology from a recognized university or equivalent.

3. Housing: Same as at S.No. 2 above as well as Bachelor's Degree in Municipal Engineering/ Building Engineering or M.A. Sociology or Economics from a recognized university or equivalent except Geography.

4. Transport Planning: Same as at S.No. 3 above as well as Master's Degree in Statistics/ Operational Research/ Economics from a recognized university or equivalent.
5. Landscape Architecture: Bachelor's Degree in Landscape Architecture/ Architecture/ Planning or equivalent, or Master's Degree in Planning from a recognized university or equivalent.

6. Building Engineering & Management: Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering/ Building Engineering/ Architecture/ Architectural Engineering/ Building Science or Five Years Diploma in Construction Technology or equivalent from a recognized university/ institution established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature.

7. Industrial Design: Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from a recognized university or equivalent or students with valid CEED scoer from streams approved by CEED.

Important Dates
  • Application Forms available from UCO Bank Branches from Delhi: IIPA (I.P.Estate, Ring Road), Defence Colony (Near Mool Chand Flyover), Connaught Place (Near Marina Hotel), Karol Bagh (Arya Samaj Road), Som Vihar (R.K. Puram), Punjabi Bagh (Ring Road), against payment of the Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- in cash (during working hours only): 26.04.2010
  • Last date of issue of Application Forms notified branches of UCO Bank: 15.05.2010
  • Last date of receipt of completed Application Forms by the School at the Counter and by Registered post or online: 17.05.2010

For more details, please visit website: www.spa.ac.in

Admission for Distance Education Courses & Research Degree Programmes: 2010-11 - NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL OF INDIA UNIVERSITY


Nagarbhavi, Bangalore- 560242 (Old Pin 560072)
Phone: 91-80-23160532/ 33/ 35; 23160524 (Direct)
Email: ded@nls.ac.in; Fax: 91-80-23160534

Admission for Distance Education Courses

The National Law School of India University, Bangalore, a premier Law University in India, invites application for admission to the following courses under Distance Education Programme for the Academic Year 2010-11:

  • Two-Year Master of Business Laws (M.B.L.) Programme
  • One-Year P.G. Diploma Courses
a) Human Rights Law (PGDHRL)
b) Medical Law & Ethics (PGDMLE)
c) Environmental Law (PGDEL)
d) Intellectual Property Rights Law (PGDIPRL)
e) Child Rights Law (PGDCRL)

Any graduate from a recognised University is eligible to apply. There is no restriction as to the age or percentage of marks obtained.

For application to any of the above, kindly write to the Coordinator, Distance Education Department, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore- 560242 (old Pin 560072), along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of Registrar, NLSIU, and payable at Bangalore.

Application forms will be issued from 1st May 2010

Last date for issue and receipt of duly filled in application
Without Late Fee: June, 30 2010
With Late Fee of Rs. 50/- : August 31, 2010

Course will commence from July 2010.

Application forms can also be downloaded from the website: www.nls.ac.in

Admission for Research Degree Programmes: 2010-11
  • M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) Degree Programme
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) Degree Programme
  • LL.D. (Doctor of Laws) Degree Programme

For application to any of the above courses, kindly write to the Registrar, NLSIU, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore- 560242 (Application forms can also be downloaded from the website : www.nls.ac.in) along with a DD of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) drawn in favour of Registrar, NLSIU and payable at Bangalore.

The Last date for receipt of filled in application is 30th April, 2010

For further details, Contact:
080-23160524 (Distance Education Programmes)
080-23160525 (Research Degree Programmes)

For more details, please visit website: www.nls.ac.in

Disclaimer: During Publishing of Admission Notification extra care has been taken but if there is any error found, There is no responsibility of the Site Owner