(Ministry of Human Resource Development)
(Ministry of Human Resource Development)
Research Project /Senior & General Fellowships Proposals(2008-09)
Research Projects :
ICSSR invites proposals for financial support through Project Grants and Fellowships-General & Senior for the year 2008-09. The research proposals may belong to anyone of the social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature. The recognized disciplines are :
(i) Economics/Commerce/Management/Business Administration (ii) Sociology and Social Anthropology/Social Work/Demography/Gender Studies; (iii) Political Science/International Relations/Geography/Public Administration; (iv) Psychology/Education/Criminology; (v) Others- Linguistics/Law etc.
ICSSR invites proposals for financial support through Project Grants and Fellowships-General & Senior for the year 2008-09. The research proposals may belong to anyone of the social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature. The recognized disciplines are :
(i) Economics/Commerce/Management/Business Administration (ii) Sociology and Social Anthropology/Social Work/Demography/Gender Studies; (iii) Political Science/International Relations/Geography/Public Administration; (iv) Psychology/Education/Criminology; (v) Others- Linguistics/Law etc.
Invitation of proposals for financial support under above disciplines includes for Northeast Region (NER) also.
The applicants are requested to indicate under which clubbing of disciplines their proposals falls.
1. For projects and fellowships a scholar must have Ph.D. or equivalent publication and the CV must indicate capability of independent research;
2. Age: For Projects-upper age limit should preferably be 70 years, for General Fellowship-50 years, and for Senior Fellowship-there is no age bar;
The applicant shall be affiliated to Universities/Colleges/Institutions recognized and funded by Central/State Government. In case of other institutions/NGOs/Registered Societies, the applicant will have to furnish additional details in accordance with Annexure V of the Research Project Booklet. Affiliation will be granted to only such institutions/NGOs which satisfy the conditions laid down in our format.
Detailed financial informations about Research Project, General and Senior Fellowships may be seen in the concerned schemes on our website. Maximum duration of a Research Project, General and Senior Fellowships is two years extendable by one more year only in exceptional cases. Salary protected cases are strictly for two years.
Last date for submitting research proposals for PROJECT, GENERAL AND SENIOR Fellowships is 30th May 2008. Applications which are received after the deadline date or are incomplete in any respect will be rejected. The proposal which qualifies the first round of screening by expert in the Council will be recommending for a interaction with the subject expert. A communication in this regard shall be sent to the applicants whose projects will qualify for interaction. We expect to communicate final decision to successful candidates by August/September 2008.
Complete application, as per the prescribed format, for all categories would include; (i) five copies of research proposal, (ii) five copies of 500-word summary of the research proposal, (iii) five copies of cost estimates (required only in case of projects), (iv) five copies of bio-data in prescribed format, (v) Letter of consent from the affiliating organization, and (vi) document containing the profile of the affiliating organization, in case of NGO/Registered Society/Unrecognized Institution only. Please see Annexures from I to VI in our Research Project booklet.
ICSSR does not accept applications by FAX or E-mail Mailed or couriered applications must be postmarked not later than the deadline date. If the deadline falls on a weekend or a public holiday, the next working day applies.
Sponsored Research Programmes
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) invites proposals from research institutes for research programmes in order to focus research on key thrust areas which are of high contemporary significance. Guidelines for submission of proposals for research programmes are given on ICSSR’s website : The Council in its deliberations has suggested a few thrust areas, which could be considered for formulating the proposals. These are the following:-
Globalisation and its Impact: The current phase of globalization has had wide ramification in terms of its impact on culture, societies, livelihoods and class for concerted policy responses.
Development Equity and Inclusion: The current patterns of development have raised concerns regarding differential impact as well as inclusion/exclusion of certain groups, defined on the basis of social identity, ethnicity, gender, class region etc.
Development Equity and Inclusion: The current patterns of development have raised concerns regarding differential impact as well as inclusion/exclusion of certain groups, defined on the basis of social identity, ethnicity, gender, class region etc.
Crisis and Response: Crisis originating both from the patterns of development as well as from exogenous causes and responses to these require systematic research.
The above themes are suggestive and do not preclude submission of proposals on other themes considered relevant by the institutions.
The proposal should be submitted to the Council by May 30th,2008.
The above themes are suggestive and do not preclude submission of proposals on other themes considered relevant by the institutions.
The proposal should be submitted to the Council by May 30th,2008.
Guidelines for submission of proposals on Sponsored Research
Programmes :
Proposal for Research Programme: Formulation, Submission and General Conditions
1) An institution/group of institutions interested in carrying out a Programme of research on a given theme, in which it has necessary facilities and expertise, may submit a proposal thereon to the ICSSR.
2) The institution shall suggest the name of the Programme Coordinator and other resource persons in the programme and furnish their curriculum vitae with major publications including research papers/ articles published in peer reviewed Journals. In addition, it shall provide information about the facilities and other expertise available at the host institute.
3) The proposal for the research programme should be self-contained and should cover the rationale for running a programme.
4) Detailed phasing of the activities with a schedule of delivery.
5) Brief outlines of specific studies to be carried out.
6) Financial implication and phase-wise distribution of expenditure:
(a) Personnel (the designation and the pay structure to be specified, (b) Field Work, (c) Travel (including travel abroad where necessary), (d) Data Processing, (e) Stationery, (f) Printing, (g) Books, Journals, Photocopies, etc. (h) Contingency, and (i) Overhead charges (7.5% of the total project cost), (j) Any Other (to be specified with full justification)
The research programme will be supervised by a Coordinator/Coordinating Committee, consisting of members of academic staff and others (whereas necessary) nominated by the institution. One of the members of this Committee shall be the Principal Coordinator. The research projects, under the programme, shall be directed by one or more of the members of the coordinating committee. Complete information about the coordinating committee, principal coordinator, and directors of individual projects shall be given in the proposals.
Seven copies of the proposal, complete in all respects, should be submitted to the ICSSR by 30th May 2008.
On receipt of the report of the Committee appointed by the Research Committee of ICSSR the Council will make the final decision on the sanction of any such programme.
Permission to transfer a research programme from one institution to another will ordinarily not be granted. Prior approval of the ICSSR would be needed for a change of the Principal Coordinator.
The ICSSR would hold an annual review of each research programme through a team of consultants appointed for the purpose.
The proposal, with all necessary details, may be sent to :
Director (Research Projects)
Indian Council of Social Science Research1) An institution/group of institutions interested in carrying out a Programme of research on a given theme, in which it has necessary facilities and expertise, may submit a proposal thereon to the ICSSR.
2) The institution shall suggest the name of the Programme Coordinator and other resource persons in the programme and furnish their curriculum vitae with major publications including research papers/ articles published in peer reviewed Journals. In addition, it shall provide information about the facilities and other expertise available at the host institute.
3) The proposal for the research programme should be self-contained and should cover the rationale for running a programme.
4) Detailed phasing of the activities with a schedule of delivery.
5) Brief outlines of specific studies to be carried out.
6) Financial implication and phase-wise distribution of expenditure:
(a) Personnel (the designation and the pay structure to be specified, (b) Field Work, (c) Travel (including travel abroad where necessary), (d) Data Processing, (e) Stationery, (f) Printing, (g) Books, Journals, Photocopies, etc. (h) Contingency, and (i) Overhead charges (7.5% of the total project cost), (j) Any Other (to be specified with full justification)
The research programme will be supervised by a Coordinator/Coordinating Committee, consisting of members of academic staff and others (whereas necessary) nominated by the institution. One of the members of this Committee shall be the Principal Coordinator. The research projects, under the programme, shall be directed by one or more of the members of the coordinating committee. Complete information about the coordinating committee, principal coordinator, and directors of individual projects shall be given in the proposals.
Seven copies of the proposal, complete in all respects, should be submitted to the ICSSR by 30th May 2008.
On receipt of the report of the Committee appointed by the Research Committee of ICSSR the Council will make the final decision on the sanction of any such programme.
Permission to transfer a research programme from one institution to another will ordinarily not be granted. Prior approval of the ICSSR would be needed for a change of the Principal Coordinator.
The ICSSR would hold an annual review of each research programme through a team of consultants appointed for the purpose.
The proposal, with all necessary details, may be sent to :
Director (Research Projects)
Post Box No.10528, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
JNU Institutional Area, New Delhi-110067
For more detail please visit :