RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT VIDYAPEETHA (University established under Sec. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) Accredited at A+ Level by NAAC TIRUPATI - 517 064 (A.P.)
Last Date for submission of applications is extended upto 15-6-2008
The Vidyapeetha, established in 1961 and declared as a University in 1987 u/s. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 is fully funded by the U.G.C.
Applications are invited for admission into the various courses of Vidyapeetha during the academic year 2008-2009. Prescribed application forms along with prospectus can be obtained from the Vidyapeetha by hand on payment of Rs.100/- and by post on payment of Rs.150/- by way of D.D. drawn in favour of the Registrar from any nationalised Bank payable at Tirupati or by downloading from the sites http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in ; The downloaded filled in applications should be submitted along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of Registrar, R.S.Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. The last date to receive the filled in applications is 15-06-2008 for all courses. For Kasmiri migrants, the last date for receipt of filled in applications is 25-06-2008. Reservation will be made applicable for admission into Vidyapeetha Courses as per the existing rules of Government of India.
Applications are invited for admission into the various courses of Vidyapeetha during the academic year 2008-2009. Prescribed application forms along with prospectus can be obtained from the Vidyapeetha by hand on payment of Rs.100/- and by post on payment of Rs.150/- by way of D.D. drawn in favour of the Registrar from any nationalised Bank payable at Tirupati or by downloading from the sites http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in ; The downloaded filled in applications should be submitted along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of Registrar, R.S.Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. The last date to receive the filled in applications is 15-06-2008 for all courses. For Kasmiri migrants, the last date for receipt of filled in applications is 25-06-2008. Reservation will be made applicable for admission into Vidyapeetha Courses as per the existing rules of Government of India.
1. PRAK-SASTRI (Eq.to+2/Intermediate with Computers as special subject)
Duration : 2 years ;
Age:15-18 years ;
Eligibility : (a) pass in SSC or its equivalent (b) Purva Madhyama (c) Sanskrit Entrance Examination.
2. SASTRI (Eq.to B.A. with Computer Applications/Science)
Duration : 3 years ;
Age : 17 years minimum.
Eligibility: Pass in Prak-Sastri/ Upa-Sastri/ Madhyama/ Uttara Madhyama/ Sahitya/ Intermediate or equivalent with Sanskrit.
3. SASTRI (Eq. to B.A.) Vedabhashyam;
Duration : 3 years.
Age : 17 years minimum.
Eligibility: Those who have completed Samhita Brahmana, Aruna and Kathaka and having knowledge of Sanskrit are eligible subject to passing of Entrance Test conducted by Vidyapeetha.
4. B.A.(I Elect. Sanskrit compulsory with Computer Applications) ;
Duration : 3 years; Age 17 years minimum.
Eligibility: As specified for the Sastri course above.
1. ACHARYA : (Eq.to M.A. in 14 shastras);
Duration : 2 years;
Age : 20 years minimum.
Eligibility : Pass in Sastri/any graduate course with Sanskrit as Main Subject/Language or any equivalent examination.
Subjects offered : Sahitya [UGC Special Assistance Programme]/Vyakarana/Jyotisha (Phalita, Sidhanta)/ Nyaya/ Mimamsa/ Advaita Vedanta/ Visishtadvaita Vedanta/ DvaitaVedanta/ Vedabhashya/ Agama/ Sankhya Yoga/ Dharmasastra/Puranetihasa. If the applications are more than 60 for Acharya in Sahitya there will be an entrance test and those who pass the entrance test will be called for interview.
Subjects offered : Sahitya [UGC Special Assistance Programme]/Vyakarana/Jyotisha (Phalita, Sidhanta)/ Nyaya/ Mimamsa/ Advaita Vedanta/ Visishtadvaita Vedanta/ DvaitaVedanta/ Vedabhashya/ Agama/ Sankhya Yoga/ Dharmasastra/Puranetihasa. If the applications are more than 60 for Acharya in Sahitya there will be an entrance test and those who pass the entrance test will be called for interview.
2. M.A. in Sanskrit (Sabdabodha Systems and Language Technology)
This programme is offered under the UGC's innovative programme.
Eligibility: Pass in Sastri/equivalent traditional Degree with Computer Science / Computer Applications or any graduate with Sanskrit and Computer Science/Applications from any recognized university.
Duration: 2 yearsThis programme is offered under the UGC's innovative programme.
Eligibility: Pass in Sastri/equivalent traditional Degree with Computer Science / Computer Applications or any graduate with Sanskrit and Computer Science/Applications from any recognized university.
Age: 20 years minimum.
3. P.G. Diploma in Yoga Therapy and Stress Management :
This course has been introduced under the Innovative programme sanctioned by UGC
Duration: 1½ year (including 6 months Internship)
Eligibility : Any graduate with second class
1. M.Phil. in 10 Shastras.
1. Sahitya; 2.Vyakarana; 3. Jyotisha [Phalitha&Siddhanta]; 4. Nyaya; 5.Advaita Vedanta; 6. Visistadvaita Vedanta; 7. Dvaita Vedanta; 8. Agama; 9. Manuscriptology and Paleography; Duration : One year; Eligibility: Any Acharya or equivalent examination with at least 55% marks. 10. M.Phil. Education : Siksha Acharya /M.Ed. with atleast 55% of marks and Acharya/M.A.(Skt.)/any equiv.
Admission on merit in qualifying examination only.
2. VIDYAVARIDHI (Eq.to Ph.D) in all Sastras/Sahitya/Education.
Entrance Test will be conducted on 30-06-2008.
Eligibility : Any Acharya or equivalent examination with at least 55% marks and passing Entrance test. Candidates who have passed NET/SLET/M.Phil., are exempted from appearing the entrance test and they may apply directly for the course.
Duration - One Year; Eligibility : Any graduate from a recognized University।
2. P.G. DIPLOMA IN WEB TECHNOLOGY : Duration - One Year ; Eligibility : Any graduate.
3. P.G. DIPLOMA IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING : Duration : 1 year ; Eligibility: Acharya/any Masters Degree with Sanskrit preferably in Nyaya, Vyakarana and Mimamsa.
4. (a) Diploma in Management with Oriental orientation (b) Diploma in Sanskrit & Law :
Duration : 1 year ; Eligibility : Any graduate from a recognized University with proficiency in Sanskrit.
5. Diploma in Temple Culture : Duration : One year ; Eligibility : Any graduate with Pass in Certificate course in Temple Culture
6. Diploma in Pourohitya : Duration : One year ; Eligibility : Pass in Certificate course in Pourohitya/Sastri.
7. Certificate course in Jyotisha : Duration : Six months ; Eligibility : X Class.
8. Certificate course in Temple Culture : Duration One year ; Eligibility : Any graduate.
9. Certificate course in Pourohitya : Duration : One year ; Eligibility : X pass with Sanskrit.
10. Certificate course in Functional English : Duration : Six months ; Eligibility : Sastri/BA with Sanskrit as Second Language at Degree level.
Career Oriented Programmes : The Vidyapeetha offers job-oriented Add-on courses for Sastri/B.A. students in
1) DTP in Indian Languages 2) Web Technology 3) Puranetihasa and 4) Vastu Sastra.
· Scholarships will be awarded to the eligible students studying full time traditional courses only as per rules. Limited Hostel facility is available for boys and girls separately. No Hostel facility for Diploma/Certificate course students.
For more details Please visit Website http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in
Admission Notification for the year 2008-09
Filled in applications should be sent to the Dean, Academic Affairs, Academic Building, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati - 517 507 Andhra Pradesh.
Last Date for submission of applications is extended upto 15-6-2008.