PG in Law of Financial Services and Capital Markets Admission 2009-2010 - NALSAR University of Law

02 August 2009

NALSAR University of Law,
3-4-761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027

ADMISSIONS 2009-2010

PG in Law of Financial Services and Capital Markets

NALSAR University of Law, 3-4-761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027, has notified he admission to 2 years (4 Semesters) Masters Degree in Law of Financial Services and Capital markets for 2009-10, offered as a self-financing on-campus collaborative Programme between the NALSAR university and Institute of Insurance and Risk Management(IIRM).

The programme provides conceptual foundation in various services like Insurance, Banks, Mutual Funds, Security markets etc., and also legal aspects involved in these areas. It aims at providing qualified and legally knowledgeable managers in the areas of financial services and capital market industries.

The entire Porgramme should be completed in all respects within a maximum period of 4 years (8 semesters). Eligibility is Graduation in any discipline with 50% in aggregate. Preference will be given to those having experience of working in Insurance, Banking and other financial sectors or those in legal profession. There is no age restriction for this programme. Candidates awaiting results of the qualifying examination can also apply subject to the condition that they should produce proof of having passed the qualifying examination with requisite percentage at the time of interview. Candidates whose marks memos of the qualifying examination are not available at the time of interview are not eligible for admission.

Candidates from all parts of the country are eligible for admission. There is no reservation for any category of candidates. Admission will be made based on the candidate's academic qualifications, experience and performance at the entrance examination and/or interview. Additional weightage would be given to those having higher qualifications. Candidates selected for the Main List and Waiting List will be informed of their position individually. A maximum of 10% of the total seats may be filled directly from NRIs/Foreign Nationals provided they have passed the qualifying examination

Prospectus and Application Forms would be available from Coordinator (ML-FS&CM) Programme from the city campus of NALSAR University at 3-4-761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad- 500 027 on payment of Rs.1000/- or can be obtained by Post by sending a Draft for Rs. 1050/- drawn in the name ‘The Registrar, NALSAR University of Law (ML-FS&CM) A/c’, on any scheduled bank at Hyderabad. Prospectus and Applications from are also available at

Last date for receipt of applications along with certified copies of certificates is July 31, 2009.

For full details, please visit website


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