Ph.D Programme 2009-10 - Institute of Development Studies Kolkata

19 June 2009


A joint initiative of University of Calcutta & Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (Sponsored by UGC)

Full-time Ph.D Programme with Fellowship 2009-10

Applications are invited for 7 full-time Ph.D fellowships; 2 of which will be for in-service college / university teachers.

Fellowship amount will be Rs.13,000/--15,000/-per month + contingencies as per rules of the Institute. Full pay protection will, however, be given to in-service teachers. Tenure of the fellowship will be for 3 years on the basis of annual appraisal.

Fellowship awardee is expected to research on any of the following themes related to human development: Economic and Social Aspects of Education; Health and Nutrition; Employment; Finance; Partition & Migration; Sociology of Class Formation; Decentralisation and Development Communication.

Eligibility: NET / SLET / M.Phil qualified and or having exceptionally brilliant academic record at UG/PG level in any of the disciplines of Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, English Literature and Development Studies. Those who are awaiting NET/SLET results may also apply.

How to apply: Each application should accompany the Bio-data of the candidate along with a write-up of about 500 words on the proposed research theme.

Last date: July 31, 2009

For more details, please visit website:


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