18 June 2008

Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology


The “Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science & Technology (BOYSCAST)” programme of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) provides opportunities to the young Indian scientists/technologists to visit institutions abroad, interact with scientists/technologists there, get trained in latest research techniques and conduct R&D in specially chosen frontline areas of science & technology. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the award of fellowships under the BOYSCAST programme for conducting advanced research and undergoing training in advanced research techniques in overseas research laboratories/institutes, in chosen frontline areas of science & technology for the period of three to twelve months. The areas are given below:

Atmospheric and Earth Sciences:
Chemical Sciences:
Engineering Sciences:
Life Sciences:
Mathematical Sciences:
Physical Sciences:

Promising applications in areas other than the above areas may also be considered.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Young Indian scientists/technologists who fulfill the following conditions can submit application/proposal for award of BOYSCAST fellowship:
(i) Academic Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent or M.D. in Medicine or equivalent with research experience or Ph.D. in Science/ Engineering or equivalent. (ii) Age: Upto 35 years (as on 1st April, 2008). The applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC and women candidates may be allowed relaxation in the age limit unto 5 years.

Application for the award of BOYSCAST fellowship should be sent in the formats given below. The matter should be neatly typed as per the formats (and not as annexures) and should not exceed 15 to 20 typed pages. Seven copies of the application (one in original and six copies) are required to be submitted. The application is required to be forwarded through the head of the institute where the applicant is employed. The application should contain (a) A recent letter of acceptance from foreign institution to be visited by the candidate specifically mentioning the BOYSCAST fellowship, in original with the original copy of the application. The other six copies of the application should contain photocopy of this letter. (b) Endorsement in original from head of the parent institution/organization on letter head as per the prescribed format No. (2) with the original copy of the application. The other six copies of the application should contain photocopy of this endorsement. (c) In case of SC/ST/OBC candidates, an attested copy of the certificate indicating the category to which the candidate belongs. A self addressed stamped postcard may accompany the application for acknowledgment.

Last date for received complete Application: 31st July, 2008.


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